Shotputter is a development tool that helps small to medium-sized teams report bugs and browser errors, request features and changes, and provide targeted system information for developers via browser screenshots. The main feature of Shotputter is to provide a tab/button that the user can click to take an annotated screenshot, and then send immediately to the dev team via a (self hosted) API that posts to other services that may be in use. Current third party implementions are

  • Google Chat
  • Slack
  • Jira
  • Github
  • Custom webhook

Additionally for screenshot image hosting, the providers are

  • Local filesystem (from the API)
  • AWS S3
  • Imgur
  • Cloudinary

For particularly small teams or if hosting the API proves to be challenging, good old fashion downloads and copy/paste system information is also available for configuration.

To quickly start the API server, a CLI, Docker deployment, and Serverless configuration for use on AWS. A Cloudformation file for an ECS deployment is also provided.

When should I use this?

Shotputter is designed to be an easy-to-use dev tool for small projects and teams before moving on to more robust implementations such as Rollbar or usersnap.

Shotputter is NOT recommended for production environments! It should only be used on a development or staging environment. The main concern is security when interfacing with the API. Future revisions will try to address these issues.

It is possible to set up Shotputter in your development environment to be more friendly for non-technical users to use

Getting started

Shotputter is distributed through NPM, and you can install it the usual NPM way.

npm install @shotputter/browser

The API and its associated files are available through the @shotputter/api package

This is hosted on a CDN at:
npm install @shotputter/api

1) When it’s installed, unless you are only using the download feature demonstrated here, you will need to launch/host an API server somewhere. Details on how to launch an server can be found here 2) With an API server running somewhere in your browser code, you will need to initialize the Shotput object. An example of which is below:

const {Shotput} = require("@shotputter/browser");
    service: {
        url: ""
    captureLogs: true,
    errorReporting: {
        enabled: true,
        slack: {
            enabled: true,
            channel: "errors"
    github: {
        enabled: true,
        defaultOwner: "adamsar",
        defaultRepo: "shotputter"
    slack: {
      enabled: true,
      defaultChannel: "dev"
    jira: {
        enabled: true,
        defaultIssueType: "Bug"

or if you include the Shotput browser library from the CDN, it will be accessible on the window.

    service: false,
    metadata: {userId: 1}

you can read more about configuring the application in the browser configuration section of this page.

  1. Start your application, use the feedback tab on the right side of the page to begin using the application.

Browser configuration

The Shotput object on the browser has the following options configurable. To just use the download feature or a custom endpoint with no server, initialize a Shotput object with service set to false.

const {Shotput} = require("@shotputter/browser");
Shotput({service: false});
  • service.url string URL where the shotput api service is running.
  • service.messageTemplate string | function Override default template when posting a message to a service.
  • service.autoPost boolean Enable auto posting when submitting screenshots or messages. Default false
  • service.autoPostFirst boolean Posts to endpoints that are configured as auto post immediately instead of prompting a post. Default false
  • metadata object Set initial metadata to include in information when submitting screenshots. Useful for adding app-specific data such as current user, etc. Default undefined
  • captureLogs boolean Capture logs (up to 20 lines) to include in reports. Default false
  • errorReporting.enabled boolean Enable capturing of errors in the browser (and rejected promises) and report them as per additional configuration in the object. Defaults to false
  • errorReporting.slack.enabled boolean Send errors to slack, requires the option to be set if set to to true. Default false
  • string Which slack channel to post browser errors to.
  • errorReporting.slack.template string | function Change the default template to use when posting errors to Slack.
  • boolean Post errors to Google chats. Defualts to false;
  • string | function Change the default template when posting errors to Google Chats.
  • errorReporting.customEndpoint string Send errors to a custom endpoint. The endpoint must accept a POST request with the following JSON body (depending on what is configured)
    type: "page_error",
    payload: {
        message: "Stack trace\n", // Stack trace of the error occurred
        systemInfo: {}, // All system info obtained from the browser
        metadata: {}, // Any metadata that is set
        logs: [] // If `captureLogs` is enabled, this will be an array of the last 20 log messages.

  • errorReporting.template string | function Change the default template for all error reporting endpoints.
  • download.enabled boolean Set to false to explicitly disable the Download option.
  • slack.enabled boolean Enable posting screenshots and messages to slack.
  • slack.defaultChannel string Name or ID of channel to post screenshots to by default. If slack.forceChannel is not set to true, it will be possible to change channels when posting manually.
  • slack.forceChannel boolean When set to true with a channel provided via slack.defaultChannel, this will force all messages to only post to the specified channel.
  • slack.template string | function Change the default template when posting to Slack.
  • slack.autoPost boolean Automatically post to slack when using the auto posting feature. Requires slack.defaultChannel to also be configured.
  • google.enabled boolean Posting to Google Chats is enabled.
  • google.template string | function Change the default template when posting to Google Chats.
  • google.autoPost boolean Automatically post to slack when using the auto posting feature.
  • github.enabled boolean Posting to Github is enabled.
  • github.template string | function Change the default template when posting to Github.
  • github.titleTemplate string | function Change the default template for the issue title when posting to Github. It is recommended to set this when auto posting to Github.
  • github.defaultOwner string Automatically set the default Github owner when listing repos from Github. When used with auto posting via github.autoPost this must be set with github.defaultRepo.
  • github.defaultRepo string Automatically set the default Github repo when listing repos from Github. When used with auto posting via github.autoPost this must be set with github.defaultOwner.
  • github.forceRepo boolean Force posts to automatically to a specific repo for a specific owner. This will disable being able to select a repo. github.defaultRepo and github.defaultOwner must be set with this.
  • github.defaultLabels *array* Set default labels for each post on Github.
  • github.autoPost boolean Include Github when auto posting. Requires github.defaultOwner and github.defaultRepo to also be set. github.titleTemplate strongly recommended to also be set.
  • jira.enabled boolean Enabled posting to Jira.
  • jira.template string | function Change the default template for posting to Jira.
  • jira.defaultProject string Default project to select for posting, name or ID. Use with jira.forceProject to remove the option to select different projects. Required when using the auto posting feature and jira.autoPost
  • jira.forceProject boolean Use with jira.defaultProject to force the user to use only a specific Jira Project.
  • jira.defaultIssueType string Default issue type to use when posting issues; ID or name permitted. Make sure this issue type exists on the default project, and use jira.forceIssueType to force the user to only use this issue type. Required when using the auto posting feature and jira.autoPost
  • jira.defaultSummary string Default summary to use for issues posted to jira. Recommended when using the auto posting feature and jira.autoPost.
  • jira.defaultPriority string PriorityId or name. Required when using the auto posting feature/jira.autoPost and the issue type used requires a priority.
  • jira.autoPost boolean Include jira in auto posting. Requires jira.defaultProject and jira.defaultIssueType to also be set, and jira.defaultPriority if required, and jira.defaultSummary is also recommended to be used.
  • custom.enabled boolean Enabled posting screenshots to a custom webhook. custom.endpoint required when enabled
  • custom.endpoint string Endpoint to post screenshots and system information to. The endpoint must handle a POST request with the following JSON body
    type: "screenshot_post",
    payload: {
        logs: [], // array of log strings
        image: "", //Base64 encoded screenshot
        systemInfo: {}, // Object containing browser and system information
        metadata: {} // Metadata provided for the current environment is any.
    timestamp: "2020-09-01T04:44:50.283Z" // ISO string for when the post request was made


Since Shotputter is designed to help get developers the information they need to make the changes their test users want, sometimes additional data about the user or their actions would help. Metadata can be provided or changed for use in templates through the browser configuration and a small interface on the Shotput instance that is created.


const {Shotput} = require("@shotputter/browser");
const instance = Shotput({
metadata: {
    userName: getUserName()

///... later in the application
    groups: ["test", "test1"]

These functions are available on the Shotput instance to manipulate metadata.

  • updateMetadata(metadata: object) Updates existing metadata with the object provided. Overwrites existing keys.
  • setMetadata(metadata: object) Completely replaces the existing metadata with the new object. All existing data is deleted.
  • purgeMetadata() Sets the metadata object to a blank object

Non technical users

Sometimes you want to fold in non-technical testers and designers and in your workflow, and prompting them to select Github repo or other technical details can be challenging. To automate the posting process for these users, a streamlined workflow is configurable through the browser configuration.

First to replace the selection of which service the user would like to post to with a simple “post” option, set the service.autoPost option to true, and then when configuring services, set their individual autoPost settings, such as github.autoPost to true. On an service-by-service basis additional settings may also be required to be set (such as which repo and owner for github, or which project and issuetype for jira). You can check the browser configuration for the specifics on this.

With this set, the user will be presented with a simple “Download” or “Post” option after making a screenshot. To get rid of the download option, use the service.autoPostFirst option, which will post to third-party services first, and then present the user with the option to download after.